Hello Faith Formation families, How is your Lent going? Are your children filling in their Lenten calendars? Given the many challenges facing today’s families, now is the perfect time and home is the perfect place to experience Lent. After all, home is where we rush and rest, where we hope and worry, where we love…
How is your Lenten journey? How are you being with Jesus in the desert? Last Sunday, the First Sunday of Lent, we heard proclaimed St. Mark’s account of the temptation of Jesus. Having just been baptized by John in the Jordan, Jesus is “driven by the Spirit” into the wilderness where He will come face to face with Satan and the allurement…
February 20thand 21st, 2021 Hello Faith Formation families, On Ash Wednesday we embarked together on a journey through Lent. It is a time for self-discovery as we remember how Jesus went into the desert for forty days and was tempted by the devil. During our Lenten experience, we pray more, eat less, and give to…
Welcome to Lent 2021! For better understanding of what Lent is all about, let me tell you a story, whether it’s true or not, judge for yourself: “A mother camel and her baby were talking one day, and the baby camel asks, “Mom why have we got these huge three-toed feet?” The mother replies, “To enable us to trek across the soft…
Join us every Thursday evening 7-8:30pm in March for The 4-Week Program “Forgiven” Beginning March 4th Sessions will be offered in the The Activities Center or online via Zoom. To sign up call the Faith Formation office at 734-261-5920 or email pchudzinski@stgenevieve.org $6 Charge for the Study Guide. http:// Forgiven // Promo from Augustine Institute…
February 13th and 14th, 2021 Hello Faith Formation families, Ash Wednesday is this Wednesday, February 17th. This day marks the start of Lent. The forty-day period symbolizes the time Jesus spent in the desert before he began his ministry. Lent comes from the Old English word Lencten, which means “spring”. Attend Mass to receive ashes…
If you wish, you can make me clean… I will do it, be made clean What a story we have in this last gospel during the ordinary time, just before we begin Lent 2021! This passage describes Jesus touching a sick man suffering from a severe case of leprosy and healing him instantly. In this miracle, we have all the essentials for…