Happy Epiphany!!! TODAY, the Church celebrates the Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord. This observance was originally called the “Feast of the Wise Men’’ from The East, who arrived in Bethlehem to adore the newborn Messiah. Epiphany means “to make known’’ or “to reveal.’’ Today’s celebration focuses on our Lord’s manifestation to all men and women of goodwill of his divinity,…
Dear Parishioners: St Genevieve-St. Maurice is partaking in a Spiritual Adoption program for those who are suffering from addictions – alcohol, dug, pornography, gambling, etc. These habits cause great disruptions in families. Hello, I am Cindy Wishart. I taught religious education to the second graders at St. Genevieve for many years and our family was…
Hopefully your Christmas was blessed, holy, and healthy. Unfortunately, I cannot say anything about my celebrations of Christmas since I am writing this article on the Friday before Christmas…hmm… no one taught me how to be a prophet when I was in the Seminary 😉 On this first Sunday after Christmas, we traditionally celebrate the Solemnity of the Holy Family Mary, Joseph,…
Beginning January 7th 7-8:30pm Explore life’s mysteries with The Search, a new video-based program that explores life’s big questions. We will be offering in-person and online small group sessions Thursday evenings from 7pm-8:30pm. Sign up for this 7-week program by calling the Faith Formation Office 734-261-5920 speak to Phyllis or Katie. Register by December 30th…
Welcome to the 4th Sunday of Advent 2020. We are only one small step away from the celebration of the most beautiful, meaningful, and family-oriented event for us Christians—Christmas; the Incarnation of the Lord Jesus Christ. In today’s Gospel, Mary meets the Angel Gabriel, who announces to her that she will become the Mother of God. And, she said YES! She became…
Christmas Mass Schedule December 24th: 4PM, 6PM, 12am Midnight Mass December 25th: 10AM Mass Due to COVID, we will have limited capacity in the church (first come, first served). For those who cannot find a pew in the church, there will be an option to participate in Mass from the Activities Center via live stream…
Hopefully you had a blessed week. This weekend we celebrate the Third Sunday of Advent and are at the mid-point of this liturgical season. This Sunday traditionally is called the “Gaudete Sunday.” Gaudete is Latin for Rejoice. As Christmas Day gets closer and closer, we are also getting excited and joyful. The command to rejoice, like every other command, is demanding. As…