Livonia, Michigan

Faith Formation (Page 10)

Faith Formation News

Hello Families! The season of Advent invites us to renew our lives in preparation for the coming of Jesus. The people who heard the message of John the Baptist repented for their sins and were baptized as a sign of God’s forgiveness. In Baptism, our sins are forgiven, and we receive the gift of the…

Faith Formation News

Hello Families! In family life, we try to prepare ourselves for many future things: our next vacation, our children’s education, our retirement. We are careful not to allow ourselves to be caught by surprise so that we can handle any challenges our family may face. Today’s Gospel reminds us that we are called to be…

Merri-Craft Flower Cards

We are pleased to once again offer flower cards to our parishioners and friends! This $35 flower card entitles the recipient to one free bouquet for one year beginning January 2024. Flower cards will be available for purchase in the parish office. Proceeds will benefit Faith Formation programming. We thank you for your support! 2023…

Faith Formation News

Hello Families! In today’s Gospel, Jesus teaches us that we will be judged on only one thing: the acts of mercy we have shown to the least among us. Jesus identifies with the least ones; thus we serve Jesus whenever we serve one of the least ones. The Church calls the actions that Jesus described…

Faith Formation News

Hello Families! In today’s Gospel, Jesus talks about the correlation between faithfulness and responsibilities. Family life provides many opportunities to illustrate this connection for children. As children prove themselves trustworthy, they can be trusted to take on greater responsibilities. Jesus teaches us in this parable that when we show ourselves to be trustworthy in small…

Faith Formation News

Hello Families! In the daily activities of family life, we can easily find excuses for not attending to our spiritual lives. If not given top priority, prayer and reading Scripture risk becoming occasional activities rather than daily practices. In today’s Gospel, Jesus reminds us that if we fail to give our spiritual life priority, we…

Faith Formation News

Hello Families! “Do as I say, not as I do.” How many of us have been tempted to say this to our children? In today’s Gospel we hear a resounding reply from Jesus, “Practice what you preach.” Those who know us best, our family and especially our children, can identify the inconsistencies between what we…