Livonia, Michigan

Faith Formation (Page 15)

Faith Formation News

Hello families! In today’s Gospel Reading Jesus’ promise of eternal life is a central element of our Catholic faith. Even though Easter is still two weeks away, our Gospel today invites us to acknowledge Jesus’ power over death, evidenced in the raising of Lazarus, and to anticipate Jesus’ conquering of death once and for all…

Faith Formation News

Hello families! In today’s Gospel reading, Jesus opens the eyes of a man who is blind from birth. Though he has been without physical sight, this man is the only one in the story who sees Jesus for who he really is. The man’s neighbors, parents, and teachers are spiritually blind to the knowledge that…

Faith Formation News

Hello families! In today’s Gospel Reading, John 4:5-42, Jesus reveals himself to the Samaritan woman at the well. Lent is a season for repentance. It is a season during which we are called to reflect upon and to live deeply the promises of Baptism. The well and the conversation about water immediately recall for us…

Faith Formation News

Hello families! In today’s Gospel, Matthew 17:1-9, Jesus is transfigured on the mountain in the presence of Peter, James, and John. As a family, talk about some of your times of highs and lows. How have you been able to use the good times and experiences to sustain you in the difficult ones? Jesus’ Transfiguration…

Faith Formation News

Hello families! We had a wonderful time at our “Jesus’ Agape Love” themed Escape Room. I’m not sure who had more fun, the parents or the students! Some early finishers won gift cards from Subway and Chick filet! Everyone went home with treats and a “key to the Kingdom”! If you missed the fun, we…

Faith Formation News

Hello families! The season of Lent is quickly approaching! The season of Lent presents families with an opportunity to examine your family life and to recommit yourselves to the Christian practices of almsgiving, prayer, and fasting. Each of us is invited to do these things as individuals, but we can also do one or more…

Faith Formation News

Hello Families! One of the teachings in today’s Gospel has to do with anger. Jesus is not saying that the emotion of anger is sinful. He is saying that anger is dangerous and to be careful! Why do you think we need to be careful when we are angry? How could anger get us into…