Livonia, Michigan

Faith Formation (Page 27)

Faith Formation News

Our Faith Formation program has started!   It is not too late to join us on Wednesday nights from 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm for classes K-8th grade .  We can use substitute catechists and help with our healthy snack time from 5:00 pm to 5:30 pm. Our faith journey with Jesus is a lifelong personal…

Faith Formation News

We are looking forward to seeing our returning families as well as welcoming new families on Wednesday, September 18, 2019 as we begin another year in Faith Formation.  We will begin our first session  in  the  Activities  Center  for  a  prayer  service  and  an introduction  to  our  catechists  followed  by  a  parent  meeting.  Registrations can…

Faith Formation News

We know your family life is very busy and your child’s faith formation is just as important to you as their academic schooling. Our Faith Formation Office would like to offer a Home-Schooling program for families interested.  This program would require your family to meet with the Director of Faith Formation once a month on a Sunday morning and you would be…

Faith Formation News

The Faith Formation office would love to have you join our team of catechists for the 2019-2020 school year.  We need Catechists for our Saturday/Sunday Liturgies, and grades three, four and five.  All supplies and instruction will be provided.  All that is needed is a desire to share your faith with the children of our…

Faith Formation News

Hello Parishioners! We had an awesome week at Crocodile Dock, this year’s Vacation Bible School! We had crafts, games, snacks and music, all centered around our daily bible story. We learned about God’s protection and great love for us. Thank you to our amazing adult and teen helpers! Our school year is fast approaching and…

Faith Formation News

Pray for all of the students in our Faith Formation program. Look at our calendar for upcoming events. Mondays – 5:30 – 6:30 pm – 8th grade February 11th – class February 18th – no class February 25th – class Wednesdays – 5:30 – 6:45 pm – K – 7th grades February 13th: class /…

Faith Formation

We regretfully say “GOOD-BYE” to our third-grade catechist, Mr. Christopher Jaskowiec. But we joyfully wish him success and God’s blessings as he continues his studies in the deaconate program. We warmly welcome into the Faith Formation family two new and experienced catechists who have graciously joined us and will be team teaching the third-grade class.…