Livonia, Michigan

Faith Formation (Page 8)

Faith Formation News

Dear Parents, We had our Lenten Family Formation evening last Wednesday. K-6th grade had a prayer service and “buried” the Alleluia to say goodbye to it for the next 40 days of Lent. 7th & 8th grades had a Lenten retreat called “Under His Wings” teaching about God’s protection of us all. Thank you to…

Faith Formation News

Dear Parents, The season of Lent presents families with an opportunity to examine our family life and to re-commit ourselves to the Christian practices of almsgiving, prayer, and fasting. Each of us is invited to do these things as individuals, but we can also do one or more actions as a family. Ash Wednesday is…

Faith Formation News

Hello Families, Wednesday, February 14th is Ash Wednesday. We will be having a Family Night with dinner starting at 5:15pm (cheese pizza – on Ash Wednesday we abstain from meat). We will head over to Mass at 6:45pm. In today’s Gospel reading, Jesus cures Simon’s mother-in-law and many others as well. Share a time when…

Faith Formation News

Hello Families, The people who heard Jesus teach and saw him heal in today’s Gospel were said to have been astonished and amazed by the authority of his teaching. So compelling were Jesus’ words and actions that the news about him could not be contained; it spread quickly throughout all of Galilee. Two thousand years…

Faith Formation News

Hello Families, For the next few months, the Faith Formation students will be learning about Catholic Devotions and how they help strengthen our relationship with God. We will be starting with Divine Mercy and then the Holy Rosary. Meet Our Extended Family – St. Agape, St. Chionia, and St. Irene were three virgin sisters from…

Faith Formation News

Happy New Year Parents! Did you know that there’s a difference between a believer and a disciple?? Below is a chart showing the differences, as your children need to know. God rejoices when we take him seriously, and YES! CHILDREN CAN BE DISCIPLES AS WELL AS BELIEVERS. Encourage them to know the difference between a…

Faith Formation News

Hello Families, The tradition of giving gifts at Christmas is thought by some to be rooted in the gift giving of the Magi. In many cultures, gifts are not exchanged at Christmas, but rather on the feast of the Epiphany. Whenever you exchange your Christmas gifts, take some time to reflect on this tradition of…