Livonia, Michigan

Women’s Sodality (Page 3)

Sodality News

Hope to see everyone at our meeting Monday October 3rd. We will have a short discussion about John Paul II and spend the rest of the evening catching up and visiting with each other. Doors open at 6:45 with the meeting starting at 7:00pm. Please continue to say an extra prayer for your fellow Sodality…

Sodality News

Hope you are all able to make it to the Parish Picnic Sunday Sept. 11th after the 11:00 Mass. We are going to do a game with prizes and have a table to give out information about the Sodality. We are hoping to get enough members to help with both of these items. Contact Judi…

Sodality News

Who will be our new Angel for the next year? Join us on Monday June 6th and find out. The Angel Dinner will be at Steve’s Family Restaurant on Middlebelt in Livonia. Spouses or significant others are welcome. The date is June 6th at 5:30 pm with dinner being served at 6:00 pm. Dinners are…

Sodality News

A big THANK YOU goes out to all who contributed prizes for our Road Trip game at the Parish Picnic. Although I was out of town and couldn’t be there, my husband and two grandchildren were and I heard the game and the whole picnic was a fun, food filled event. Thank you also to…

Sodality News

Just want to give you a heads up that there will be a Parish Picnic on Sunday September12th.This year the Men’s Club is putting together a car show at this event. The Sodality has been asked to participate in this event. We will do our usual game with a car theme. Father has asked that…

Women’s Sodality News

You might have heard this before but it’s always worth reading again. A baby asked God, “They are sending me to earth tomorrow, but how am I going to live there being so small and helpless?” God said, “Your angel will be waiting for you and will take care of you.” The child further inquired,…

Sodality News

Remember to look for your container for our “Mary Garden” that we will be putting together at our Monday, May 3rd meeting. We will also have our plant exchange so bring plants for the Mary Garden and an extra one for the exchange. BYOD (bring your own dirt). Garden gloves & a small hand shovel…