Livonia, Michigan

Posts by Doug Holliday (Page 15)

Faith Formation News

Dear Parents, We had our last Faith Formation class on May 8th. We tried some new things this year involving the families more in our faith formation classes. I look forward to seeing everyone next year for more faith filled activities! I want to especially thank the 8th grade parents who stood behind their child’s…

Pentecost Sunday

By the Faithful Disciple GROW AS A DISCIPLE Pentecost Sunday is here! If ever there was a day in the Church calendar to celebrate the transformational power of Christianity, this is it. We know from the first reading how the disciples go from being huddled and afraid in a locked room to stepping out boldly…

Faith Formation News

Dear Parents, I would like to say a special “thank you” to our First communion catechist, Mrs. Barb Janezcko, who did a wonderful job inspiring and getting our students ready for their First Holy Communion last Sunday. And to Mrs. Mary Dudek who grows the Forget-Me-Not flowers in her garden that are given to the…

Seventh Sunday of Easter

By the Faithful Disciple Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord GROW AS A DISCIPLE It’s easy for me to get impatient with the Lord – to wonder why he makes me wait for an answer to a prayer or, worse, why his answer may be no. However, when I look back at the lessons…

CSA 2024

CSA 2024 With Eyes Fixed on Jesus Each year, we have the opportunity to unleash the Gospel through our Catholic Services Appeal. The valuable ministries, programs, and services funded by our CSA benefit so many in our parish and across the Archdiocese of Detroit and beyond.  When we support the CSA, together we focus With…

Faith Formation News

Hello Families, Today we give thanks for our second graders who received Jesus for the first time at the 11 am Mass with their families; Benjamin Bauer, Kenneth Gonthier, Oliver Grisius, Bradley Hatch, Hailee Miller, Maverick Murray, Sadie Nichols, Samuel Whitefoot, and Jace York. We pray that the gift of the Eucharist will draw them…

Sixth Sunday of Easter

By the Faithful Disciple GROW AS A DISCIPLE “As the Father loves me, so I also love you … If you keep my commandments, you will remain in my love.” We don’t earn God’s love – it is freely given to us. But only by loving God and others, and by keeping his commandments, do…